Friday, September 20, 2013

Put on Those Rain Boots

            “Look!  I am about to cover the earth with a flood that will destroy every living thing everything on earth will die.” Genesis 6:17          

           “Finally, the day came when the LORD said to Noah, ‘Go into the boat with all your family, for among all the people of the earth, I consider you alone to be righteous.”  Genesis 7:1

I know what you’re thinking, who wears rain boots anymore?  I don’t know if anyone does but they should.  There is nothing more annoying than walking around with wet feet all day. 
In Genesis, God tells Noah that He is tired of the corruption in the world, sound familiar?  Noah is the only righteous one among the whole earth.  Talk about being different.  And if being righteous in a corrupt world isn’t enough, God asks Noah to build a boat while it wasn’t even raining.  I’m sure he stood out like one of those poor girls with the black bar across her eyes on the fashion don’t page in a magazine. 

You may be asking yourself, what does it mean to be righteous?  Well Webster defines righteous as, “acting in accord with divine or moral law; free from guilt or sin.”  Jesus’ death on the cross allows us to be righteous.  His sacrifice makes us “free from guilt or sin.” After we accept that gift we must choose to act “in accord with divine or moral law.”
            That means that like Noah, we will be asked to go against the culture and stand out. We must follow God’s divine law to be set apart for God.  It may mean you may not be as popular as you would like but it is definitely worth it.  Noah’s righteousness paid off for him in the end.  He and his family were the only ones to survive God’s destruction.  I don’t know about you, but a few unpopular choices now in order to survive God’s destruction for eternity sounds like a no-brainer.  It’s kind of like choosing to wear rain boots when it’s raining even thought it’s not the in-thing to do.

What to Wear???

Alright ladies, there’s no denying it; we’ve all been there before – staring at our closet in frustration wondering what to wear.  It’s not just a simple question like some might think; it’s a lot deeper than that.  You have to consider so many things when picking out the right outfit.  What do you feel like wearing?  What’s on your agenda that day?  Who do you want to impress?

I hate to add more pressure to you girls but everyday you not only choose to put on physical clothes but spiritual ones as well.  These “clothes” are more important than anything else you wear.  In Colossians 3:12(NLT) Paul says, “Since God chose you to be holy people whom he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”  That means that as Christians we actually choose what attitudes to “wear.”

This blog won’t help you with fashion dos and don’ts like most fashion magazines but it will help and encourage you to choose the right qualities you can strive to live out in your life.  I say the word choose when talking about these Christian qualities because just like deciding what outfit to wear you make a choice everyday if you will put your faith into action.  So pick up all those clothes off the floor and bed and get ready to learn what to wear and learn to dress His best.