I'm an educator and around school you will often hear teachers say, "Put your listening ears on." I think that God wants us to do the same thing. Often he is speaking to us but like Samuel we don't recognize his voice. A lot of us are just like Samuel. God called out to him multiple times and he heard something but was unsure of the source of the voice. This happens to us for many reasons.
Many times we, like Samuel, go and ask another person what they hear because we doubt our own ability to hear from God. Other times we hear something but just don't know who is speaking. As a teacher, I can tell which of my students is speaking without even looking at them because I know them. I am with them day in and day out. We need to spend time with God to be able to hear and recognize his voice.
It is also interesting that this account takes place at night when all is quiet and still. In order to hear from God, we need to quiet our hearts and minds and be still before him. This means sometimes even turning off the good things will fill our lives with. Being still is a lost art in our society. We constantly have to be busy. We have headphones in, the television on and are texting and updating social media all at the same time. When God passed by Elijah it was in the stillness and this is still true today. We can be busy, even busy for God,, and totally miss hearing from him because he speaks in the stillness.
Most people I know, myself included, constantly say, "I wish God would just tell me..." What if God is telling us, but like Samuel we just don't recognize his voice. Is he talking to you? Are you listening for his voice? Do you know him enough to recognize his voice from the voice of others or are you too busy looking to friends and self-help experts for advice? Are you still enough to hear God speaking to you?
I believe God is always speaking to us; we just need to put our listening ears on to hear him.